WoW Dragonflight Glyphs: Every glyph revealed so far (2024)

Ever since the Wrath of the Lich King expansion launched, Glyphs have been a part of World of Warcraft, and although they have rid away with their ability to directly influence how abilities work, they still have their own use.

As of now, Glyphs are items that can change a spell or ability's visual appearance. Crafted by scribes, they give your character an extra flare, one that adds to the already ever-evolving customizability that players already have.

Following along with new expansion releases, Glyphs continue to evolve and move along. The same can be expected for Dragonflight.

With that in mind, here's every Gylph revealed in WoW Dragonflight so far.

Every WoW Dragonflight Glyph Revealed So Far

So far only 10 classes have had their Glyphs revealed.

WoW Dragonflight Glyphs: Every glyph revealed so far (1)

WoW Dragonflight Glyphs: Every glyph revealed so far (2)

Read over them all below!

Death Knight

Glyph of Cracked Ice - Your Path of Frost ability now looks a little cracked, just a little.

Glyph of Foul Menagerie - Cause your Army of the Dead spell to summon an assortment of undead minions.

Glyph of Chilled Shell - Your Anti-Magic Shell shifts to match more of a Frost affinity.

Glyph of the Crimson Shell - Your Anti-Magic Shell shifts to match more of a Blood affinity.

Glyph of the Geist - Your Raise Dead Spell summons a geist instead of a ghoul.

  • Disabled while talented into Sludge Belcher

Glyph of the Skeleton - Your Raise Dead Spell summons a skeleton instead of a ghoul.

  • Disabled while talented into Sludge Belcher

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Glyph of Autumnal Bloom - Modifies your Lifeblood to appear as a large blooming autumn flower.

Glyph of Stars - Your Moonkin form now appears as Astral Form, conferring all the same benefits, but appearing as an astrally enhances version of your normal humanoid form.

Glyph of the Aerial Chameleon - Each time you shapeshift into a Flight Form, your shapeshifted form will be randomly selected.

Glyph of the Aquatic Chameleon - Each time you shapeshift into an Aquatic Form, your shapeshifted form will be randomly selected.

Glyph of the Feral Chameleon - Each time you shapeshift into Cat Form, your shapeshifted form will be randomly selected.

Glyph of the Forst Path - Your Dash now leaves a trail of leaves.

Glyph of the Sun - Your Starfall takes on a more solar appearance.

Glyph of the Swift Chameleon - Each time you shapeshift into a Travel Form, your shapeshifted form will be randomly selected.

Glyph of the Ursol Chameleon - Each time you shapeshift into Bear Form, your shapeshifted form will be randomly selected.

Glyph of the Wild Mushroom - Efflorescence grows a wild mushroom at its center.

Glyph of Twilight Bloom - Modifies your Lifebloom to appear as a large blooming twilight flower.

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Glyph of Arachnophobia - Your Dire Beast ability calls on spiders more often. Why? Because everyone is afraid of spiders.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of Nesingwary's Nemeses
    • Glyph of the Dire Stable
    • Glyph of Dire Bees

Glyph of Dire Bees - Your Dire Beast ability calls on bees!! DIRE BEES!!

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of Arachnophobia
    • Glyph of Nesingwary's Nemeses
    • Glyph of the Dire Stable

Glyph of Lesser Proportion - Slightly reduces the size of your pet.

Glyph of Nesingwary's Nemeses - Your Dire Beast ability often calls for beasts victimized by the famed hunter.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of Arachnophobia
    • Glyph of the Dire Stable
    • Glyph of the Dire Bees

Glyph of Stellar Flare - You now shoot a stellar flare highlight the target location.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of the Goblin Anti-Grav Flare

Glyph of the Dire Stable - Your Dire Beast often calls forth dire versions of your stabled pets.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of Arachnophobia
    • Glyph of the Nesingwary's Nemeses
    • Glyph of the Dire Bees

Glyph of the Goblin Anti-Grav Flare - Exchange your flares with Goblin Anti-Grav Flares! They almost work, and at least they don't explode.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of Stellar Flare

Glyph of the Headhunter - You throw a javelin instead of a hatchet when you use Hatchet Toss.

Glyph of the Hook - Your Harpoon spell throws a Grappling Hook rather than your current weapon.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of the Trident

Glyph of the Trident - Your Harpoon spell throws a Trident rather than your current weapon.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of the Hook

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Arcane Momentum - Your Blink Spell teleports you in the direction you are moving instead of the direction you are facing.

Dalaran Brilliance - Modify your Arcane Intellect's look to that of the Kirin Tor's Dalaran Brilliance.

Glyph of Crittermorph - When cast on critters, your Polymorph spells now last 1 day and can be cast on multiple targets.

Glyph of Evaporation - Reduces the size of your Water Elemental by 15%.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of the Unbound Elemental
    • Glyph of the Tides
    • Glyph of Storm's Wake
    • Glyph of the Dark Depths
    • Glyph of Steaming Fury
    • Glyph of the Cold Waves

Glyph of Laving Servings - Your Conjure Food table is now a more lavish affair.

Glyph of Polymorphic Proportions - Your Polymorphs are slightly larger.

Glyph of Smolder - You now smolder for a few seconds following Combustion.

Glyph of Sparkles - Your Slow Fall now has more Sparkles.

Glyph of Steaming Fury - Your Water Elemental is replaced by a Steaming Elemental.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of the Unbound Elemental
    • Glyph of Evaporation
    • Glyph of the Tides
    • Glyph of the Dark Depths
    • Glyph of Steaming Fury
    • Glyph of the Cold Waves

Glyph of Storm's Wake - Your Water Elemental is replaced by the light blue favored by the Tidepriests.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of the Unbound Elemental
    • Glyph of Evaporation
    • Glyph of the Tides
    • Glyph of the Dark Depths
    • Glyph of Steaming Fury
    • Glyph of the Cold Waves

Glyph of the Cold Waves - Your Water Elemental is replaced by a Cresting Wave Elemental.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of the Unbound Elemental
    • Glyph of Evaporation
    • Glyph of the Tides
    • Glyph of Storm's Wake
    • Glyph of the Dark Depths
    • Glyph of the Steaming Fury

Glyph of the Dark Depths - Your Water Elemental is replaced by a darker Depths Elemental.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of the Unbound Elemental
    • Glyph of Evaporation
    • Glyph of the Tides
    • Glyph of Storm's Wake
    • Glyph of the Steaming Fury
    • Glyph of the Cold Waves

Glyph of the Tides - Your Water Elemental is replaced by a bluer Tidal Elemental.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of the Unbound Elemental
    • Glyph of Evaporation
    • Glyph of Storm's Wake
    • Glyph of the Dark Depths
    • Glyph of the Steaming Fury
    • Glyph of the Cold Waves

Glyph of the Unbound Elemental - Your Water Elemental is replaced by an Unbound Water Elemental.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of Evaporation
    • Glyph of the Tides
    • Glyph of Storm's Wake
    • Glyph of the Dark Depths
    • Glyph of the Steaming Fury
    • Glyph of the Cold Waves

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Glyph of Fire From the Heavens - Your Judgement criticals call down fire from the sky.

Glyph of Pillar of Light - Holy Shock critical heals on other players display a small pilar of light at their location briefly.

Glyph of the luminous Charger - Your Paladin class mounts glow with holy light.

Glyph of the Queen - Your Guardian of Ancient Kings now summons the wrath of a Queen!

Glyph of the Trusted Steed - Your Divine Steed is a charger instead of your racial mount.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Valorous Charger's Bridle
    • Vengeful Charger's Bridle
    • Vigilant Charger's Bridle
    • Golden Charger's Bridle

Glyph of Winged Vengeance - Your Avenging Wath depicts 4 wings.

Golden Charger's Bridle - Allows your Divine Steed to be your Golden Charger.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of the Trusted Steed
    • Valorous Charger's Bridle
    • Vengeful Charger's Bridle
    • Vigilant Charger's Bridle

Valorous Charger's Bridle - Allows your Divine Steed to be your Valorous Charger.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of the Trusted Steed
    • Vengeful Charger's Bridle

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  • Vigilant Charger's Bridle
  • Golden Charger's Bridle

Vengeful Charger's Bridle - Allows your Divine Steed to be your Vengeful Charger.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of the Trusted Steed
    • Valorous Charger's Bridle
    • Vigilant Charger's Bridle
    • Golden Charger's Bridle

Vigilant Charger's Bridle - Allows your Divine Steed to be your Vigilant Charger.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of the Trusted Steed
    • Valorous Charger's Bridle
    • Vengeful Charger's Bridle
    • Golden Charger's Bridle

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Glyph of Angels - Casting healing spells has a chance to grant you angelic wings.

Glyph of Dark Absolution - Your Penance leans more towards Shadow.

Glyph of Ghostly Fade - You now fade into a more ghostly state.

Glyph of Inspired Hymns - While Channeling Hymn, a spirit appears above you.

Glyph of Shackle Undead - Changes the appearance of your Shackle Undead.

Glyph of Shadow - Reduces the effects of your Shadowform.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of Shadowy Friends

Glyph of Shadowy Friends - Your innate shadowy form now extends to your mounts and non-combat pets.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of Shadow

Glyph of the Heavens - Your Levitate targets will appear to be riding on a cloud for the duration of the spell.

Glyph of the Lightspawn - Transforms your Shadowfiend into a Lightspawn.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of the Sha
    • Glyph of the Voidling

Glyph of the Sha - Transforms your Shadowfiend into a Sha Beast.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of the Lightspawn
    • Glyph of the Voidling

Glyph of the Val'kyr - While Spirit of Redemption is active, you now appear as a Val'kyr.

Glyph of the Voidling - Transforms your Shadowfiend into a Voidling.

  • Exclusive with:
    • Glyph of the Sha
    • Glyph of the Lightspawn.


Glyph of Blackout - A good ol' pint saps targets just as well.

Glyph of Burnout - Your sprint leaves a smoke trail in your wake.

Glyph of Disguise - When you Pick Pocket a humanoid enemy, you also copy their appearance for 5 min. Your disguise will unravel upon entering combat.

Glyph of Flash Bang - Switch out your smoke for a Flash Bang!


Glyph of Critterhex - Your Hex on critters lasts 1 day and can be cast on multiple critters.

Glyph of Flicker - Reduce the size of your Fire Elemental by 15%.

Glyph of Lingering Ancestors - Resurrecting with Ancestral Spirit causes a ghostly ancestor to follow them around for a short time.

Glyph of Pebbles - Reduces the size of your Earth Elemental by 15%.

Glyph of Spirit Raptors - Your Spirit Wolves are replaced with Spirit Raptors.

Glyph of the Spectral Lupine - Alters the appearance of your Ghost Wolf transformation, causing it to resemble a spectral lupine.

Glyph of the Spectral Raptor - Alters the appearance of your Ghost Wolf transformation, causing it to resemble a large, spectral raptor.

Glyph of the Spectral Vulpine - Alters the appearance of your Ghost Wolf transformation, causing it to resemble a spectral vulpine.

Glyph of the Spectral Wolf - Alters the appearance of your Ghost Wolf transformation, causing it to resemble a large, spectral wolf.

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Glyph of Burning Anger - You get so angry when Enraged that you catch on fire.

Glyph of Falling Thunder - When you Heroic Leap you now land with thunder.

Glyph of Gushing Wound - Your Deep Wounds are even bloodier than normal.

Glyph of Hawk Feast - Your Execute critical strikes summon a flock of carrion birds.

Glyph of Mighty Victory - When your Victory Rush heals you, you grow slightly larger.

Glyph of the Blazing Savior - Your Intervene leaves a trail of fire in its wake. If you're going to Intervene why not do it with some style?

Glyph of the Blazing Trail - Your Charge leaves a trail of fire in its wake. If you're going to Charge why not do it with some style?

Glyph of the Weaponmaster - Your Recklessness ability causes the appearance of your weapon to change to that of a random weapon from your bag for 10 min.

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WoW Dragonflight Glyphs: Every glyph revealed so far (2024)


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