rosie rider full videos (2024)

  • "Above the Fray" is a podcast where we want to encourage and challenge our listeners to find out how to live "freely and lightly" above the fray of the muck and mire of this world. From adulting advice to proactive parental principals and marriage matters, if you're ready to cut the cord on craziness, disentangle from the drama, and pursue peace, then join us on this ride! God bless you!

  • Nowoczesny LiderBusiness 9 Aug

    Od ponad 20 lat zajmuję się zarządzaniem zespołami, rozwojem talentów, budowaniem nowoczesnych organizacji, od ponad 10 lat robię to w mocno zdywersyfikowanym i bardzo multikulturowym środowisku.

    Projekt Nowoczesny Lider powstał w wyniki wielu obserwacji, iż świat bardzo się zmienił, zarówno pod kątem biznesowym, jak i społecznym.

    Mam nadzieję iż uda się nam dzięki temu projektowi Was zainspirować.

  • Breakthrough Rose ProductionsBusiness, Marketing 16 May

    Podcasts exclusivos de Breakthrough Rose Productions

    Programas: Quebrando Barreras y Hablando Entre Mujeres, para todo público. Conducidos por: Rosemarie Sanchez, Autora Internacional Best Seller, Coach de Negocios y Marketing, Lider multifacetica, Mentora de vida.

  • DIZNEY COAST TO COAST: Disney Talks with Rose-Colored Glasses RemovedArts, News 6 Aug

    “Dizney Coast to Coast” features honest, passionate, and clear-eyed Disney discussions that both celebrate and question one of the largest and most beloved entertainment companies in the world. Entertainment-obsessed host Jeff DePaoli is an avid Disney fan who has studied and experienced Disney content his entire life. Listen as Jeff spreads his Disney knowledge, and come along for the ride hearing passionate conversations celebrating (and sometimes questioning) Disney theme parks, movies, theatricals and more. Plus, witness Jeff's top rate interviewing skills as he chats with Disney Legends, Academy Award winners, Golden Globe winners and other talented folks from various Disney projects.

    “Dizney Coast to Coast” is a fan podcast and is not affiliated with The Walt Disney Company.

  • Rhiannon Rose is a Medium, Psychic, Akashic Record Reader, Past Life Regression Practitioner, Reiki Master, Curious Being who is dedicated to being a voice for the Departed. Along with jumping into all things Mediumship, each episode will feature a topic that we deep dive into, explore and connect over. You can expect the Taboo, Live Readings, Workshops and masterclass conversations. Some Episodes will be an Inspired & In The Moment that draw you in and captivate the senses, and others will be a wild ride of who knows!

  • In The Trenches With Ryan Roxie PodcastMusic 17 May

    In the Trenches with Ryan Roxie is a podcast hosted by Alice Cooper guitarist Ryan Roxie. The show features in depth conversations with the worlds hardest working musicians...the ones that grind, the ones that commit, the ones who make their dreams come the trenches.

    Ryan Roxie - Host...

    Federica - Research Editor...

    Victor Chalfant - Video Editing/Web design/Social Media...

    Gustav Kronfelt - Graphics...

    Tess Faber - Intro Voice...

    Enjoy the Ride...Support

  • Le Citron Rose Podcast ⎮ MarketingBusiness, Entrepreneurship, Marketing 8 Jul

    Les meilleurs conseils en marketing et stratégie de contenu pour accroître votre visibilité et trouver des clients facilement. 🚀Je suis Coralie, fondatrice de Le Citron Rose depuis 2019.Mes médias favoris : Instagram, Pinterest, la Newsletter et le SEO Google.D'abord freelance en Instagram & Pinterest management, et rédactrice web pour les marques de cosmétique bio, je me suis petit à petit orientée vers le métier de formatrice en ligne avec Pin Lemonade et Content Booster.Comme j'adore mettre mon nez dans la stratégie des autres, je continue d'aider les marques de cosmétique bio et les entrepreneurs à booster leur visibilité grâce au marketing de contenu via la gestion de compte Pinterest, et l'audit marketing ou audit de compte Pinterest.Préparez-vous à découvrir des épisodes autour de ces médias.Deux fois par mois, en solo ou accompagné d’invités entrepreneurs du marketing et de l’univers de l’entrepreneuriat pour partager leur parcours.Ce podcast est fait pour vous, si vous souhaitez découvrir des méthodologies et des ressources en termes de stratégie de contenu.À découvrir pour booster votre business : Formation Pinterest : Pin Lemonade ( Formation Marketing : Content Booster ( Masterclass gratuite : 4 piliers pour plus de trafic et de clients grâce à Pinterest ( 2 ressources gratuites : Guide Pinterest ultime ( - Checklist 1 mois de post Instagram ( Instagram ( Les articles de blog ( m’écrire : [emailprotected] (mailto:[emailprotected])On se retrouve dans un épisode de podcast 😃Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • Derrière les cartes du tarotEducation, Self-Improvement 1 Jun 2023

    Passionnée par le tarot et l’art j’ai eu envie de partager mes attraits. Le tarot c’est un outil aux symboliques multiples qui nous aide à avancer dans tous les domaines de notre vie. Et j’ai à coeur de t’aider à le découvrir et à l’intégrer dans ton quotidien. Et c’est dans ce podcast, Derrière les cartes, que je te partage un aperçu de notre vision du tarot et de ses apprentissages.

    Tu peux retrouver plus de contenus sur les réseaux sociaux. Chaque semaine, je te propose une structure de tirages sur Instagram.
    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • Welcome to the 6am club: when earlybirds are starting their day, or when strippers are leaving work! Join Gemma Rose on her drive home from the strip club. Gain an insight into the nocturnal lifestyle of a stripper, listening to exclusive stories and discussing wider industry issues.

  • Words with DatOneLady..... It’s almost hard to clearly state what this podcast would be about but basically, this podcast would be all about life, love, and living.

    My plan is that this podcast would also be an audio blog. I doubt there is anything like that but basically, I love voiceovers. So, on days when I can’t make a video for a voiceover on Instagram @datonelady, I would just come here and read my poems like spoken words!

    Hopefully, I would be able to get my friends on here to chat with as well on different topics, or just come here and talk.

    Okay! Without further ado, Let’s enjoy the ride.

  • Diamond White & Carly Rose met at 13 years old competing on The X Factor USA. Today they are besties living in Los Angeles with successful careers in music and TV. On the Ex Factors podcast, Diamond and Carly spill the tea on the wild ride that was The X Factor, and interview a range of guests; from participants in singing competitions to musicians who left a major group to go solo and more— Carly and Diamond explore the liberation and excitement that comes from walking one path and moving onto another. On this show, “ex” is a stepping stone, not the blocked number in your phone.

  • Ufrivillig barnløs - Modige samtaler3 Mar

    Roxie har modige samtaler med hendes veninder, der både er på vej til at få børn, har fået børn og som ikke vil have børn. Samtalerne har en særlig ærlighed og kærlig tone, fordi det er blandt veninder.Roxie taler også med eksperter, der giver ny viden og nye indsigter om alt fra hvordan man håndterer et presset parforhold, der er mættet af planlagt sex, til at tale om underlivets mikrobiomer, som ingen gider at forske i, og sidst men ikke mindst om 'spiritbabies', og hvorvidt der er en højere mening med de livskriser vi går igennem.Det er en ærlig serie, der handler om så meget mere end fertilitet, men om venskaber, fremtidsdrømme, mening (og mangel på samme), kontroltab, sammenligning, ensomhed og forskudte tidslinjer. Om at være træt af at lade verden tro, man har et større overskud end man har og endlig lukke dem ind i alle de svære samtaler.Podcasten har på rekordtid fået tårnhøje lyttertal, og Roxie er blevet lagt ned af beskeder fra lyttere som inspireres, finder håb, healing, spejling, grin, genkendelse, får nye perspektiver og oplever en lettelse i at kunne spejle sig i Roxies måde at håndtere livskriser på.Podcasten er til alle med interesse i selvudvikling, livet i 30’erne, fertilitet og venskaber.When life give you lemons... så laver Roxie podcast-lemonade!🍋❤️ Slurp! Og rigtig god fornøjelse!Du finder Roxie på IG her: @roxie.marthineFacebookgruppe for alle "Roxies venner - modige samtaler"

  • Roxie har modige samtaler med hendes veninder, der både er på vej til at få børn, har fået børn og som ikke vil have børn. Samtalerne har en særlig ærlighed og kærlig tone, fordi det er blandt veninder.

    Roxie taler også med eksperter, der giver ny viden og nye indsigter om alt fra hvordan man håndterer et presset parforhold, der er mættet af planlagt sex, til at tale om underlivets mikrobiomer, som ingen gider at forske i, og sidst men ikke mindst om 'spiritbabies', og hvorvidt der er en højere mening med de livskriser vi går igennem.

    Det er en ærlig serie, der handler om så meget mere end fertilitet, men om venskaber, fremtidsdrømme, mening (og mangel på samme), kontroltab, sammenligning, ensomhed og forskudte tidslinjer. Om at være træt af at lade verden tro, man har et større overskud end man har og endlig lukke dem ind i alle de svære samtaler.

    Podcasten har på rekordtid fået tårnhøje lyttertal, og Roxie er blevet lagt ned af beskeder fra lyttere som inspireres, finder håb, healing, spejling, grin, genkendelse, får nye perspektiver og oplever en lettelse i at kunne spejle sig i Roxies måde at håndtere livskriser på.

    Podcasten er til alle med interesse i selvudvikling, livet i 30’erne, fertilitet og venskaber.

    When life give you lemons... så laver Roxie podcast-lemonade!🍋

    ❤️ Slurp! Og rigtig god fornøjelse!

    Du finder Roxie på IG her: @roxie.marthine
    Facebookgruppe for alle "Roxies venner - modige samtaler"

  • The Campfire's Edge Science, Sports, Nature, Wilderness 4 Aug

    The Campfire's Edge is a media project to collect the paranormal experiences of hunters, anglers and others encountering the more-than-human in wild places. Hosted by Sarah Rose and Matt Stansberry. Sarah is an outdoorswoman, mother and artist documenting the physical interaction of humans and animals in the landscape. Matt is a writer, fly fisherman, father, deer hunter and magician. They live in the Haw River watershed in North Carolina.

  • Whats the story 90s GloryComedy, Leisure 1 Aug

    What's the Story 90s Glory is your definitive 90s podcast. Join Paul McGrath & Ash Rose as they delve into the G.O.A.T of all decades.From Britney Spears to Tamagotchis and infamous one liners such as "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"....yes Mr President did say that! along with everything else in-between. Each week the lads discuss a different 90s topic, from TV Heaven to TV Hell, Heroes, Villans, Hunks & Babes, if they were in the 90s then we've got it covered.So come and join in the fun with a trip down memory lane along with booze, news, tunes and interesting guests as its a 90s ride you won't want to get off.If you love what you hear give us a like a follow and subscribe along with a five star review wherever you listen to your podcasts.Check us out via twitter on @wts90sgloryAlternatively contact us with your thoughts and ideas's email at [emailprotected]

  • Hi. I'm Alice.
    After my own fertility journey I wanted to support and empower other people facing one too. I needed:

    powerful tools to cope

    crucial information

    must have mindset hacks

    connection to a community who got it

    So, on board my podcast the Life Raft this is what you'll find.
    It's a totally safe space, so you can get cosy and listen to warm, honest, sometimes funny, inspiring and uplifting conversations with leading life coaches; mindset experts, thought leaders, real life patients plus topical news and so much more.
    I am determined to make this all just feel much less scary or overwhelming for you, less lonely and much more manageable, whatever your story. It is time to radically change the narrative for people going through all this (and our wider society).
    Also, I promise never, ever to tell you to 'just relax'. Not on my watch.
    PLUS when you subscribe, rate and review I'll send you a big box of chocolate brownies OK?? The more ratings and reviews we receive, the more people will find it and hopefully use it to build their own Life Raft. (*alright the brownies were a big fat lie, but I will send you a LOT of virtual love).
    Oh, also I have an amazingly positive and lovely Instagram community so come and find us there for more support.
    If you're ready to start feeling better right now, head to where you can find actionable, bite-sized downloads including my best selling 10 day mindset shift course.
    Take care,

  • My First FanfictionFiction, Comedy 20 Dec 2023

    Host Elle Gonzalez Rose drags her friends and family along for the ride as she tackles reading all 84 chapters of the boyband fan fiction she wrote when she was 12. It's more embarrassing than you think.

  • ✨ -Let’s OPOP some Rosé and Talk about it 💋🍧🍾
    “The Frum Girls Podcast” 👑👑covering all things, beauty, boundaries, and take along on a car ride gal pal vibes.
    Follow us @spillthetwith_rd and feedback can be sent to [emailprotected]

  • Goin TroppoComedy, Comedy Interviews, Stand-Up 23 Jun

    Come with me, Ruby Teys, as we ride around Australia collecting everyone's most embarrassing stories.

    We are catapulted into adulthood with no manual, guarantees or grace. The only way to really figure out growing up is by burning some bridges, face planting some pavements or getting caught red handed!

    Whether it's the classic coming of age story or that cliché entanglement we seem to get mixed up in.

    The rose coloured glasses have come off, so let's compare notes, sit back and have a laugh!

    Let's look back at our most cringe moments!

  • Ouais Ouais OuaisComedy, News, Entertainment News 6 Aug

    Pierre : Sosie du Père noël, voix de 20 ans dans un corps de 50, père de famille, communiste frustré, punchlineur hors pair. La force tranquille.

    Avril : Sosie de tous, roi des monologues, père de personne, anxieux psychorigide et démonteur de buffets. La tempête dans un verre d'eau.

    Ce podcast, c'est une heure de conversation entre nous. On parle de notre quotidien d'humoristes, de notre vie de tous les jours et d'actualité.

    Et de temps en temps, on reçoit des guests pour des épisodes filmés et dispos sur Youtube.


    Pour soutenir le podcast (ça nous aide de ouf) : c'est juste ici.

    Et pour nous aider à propager le mouvement Ouais Ouais Ouais :

    1/ Parlez du podcast autour de vous

    2/ Mettez-lui une petite note (idéalement haute)

    3/ Ajoutez-nous (Avril, Pierre ou les deux à la fois, comme vous le sentez) sur les réseaux sociaux et venez nous voir en spectacle :)

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • Show more
rosie rider full videos (2024)


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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.