Mucus Unhealthy Bearded Dragon Poop (2024)

1. What Does Bearded Dragon Poop Look Like? - Reptile Supply

  • Feb 26, 2020 · The most common bowel movement type in bearded dragons will be brown and white. the brown part will be log-shaped with the white part on the end.

  • Monitoring your bearded dragon’s poop is an important part of its care. If you have recently purchased a new beardie, it may not poop right away due to the stress of moving but this needs to be monitored.

2. Bearded Dragons - Diseases - VCA Animal Hospitals

  • In advanced cases, parasites may cause foul-smelling feces, profuse diarrhea, and/or weight loss. Pinworms and several types of motile protozoa are common ...

  • Learn about bearded dragons - diseases. VCA Animal Hospital offers professional guidance to help you ensure the health and happiness of your pet.

3. 5 Signs Your Bearded Dragon May Be Sick - CareCredit

  • Oct 13, 2022 · Feces that is a different color, texture, or consistency than normal can be a signal of illness or other health issues. Be extra wary of poop ...

  • Bearded dragons can suffer from various diseases and other health complications. Use this guide to learn the most common signs a bearded dragon may be sick.

4. Bearded Dragon Poop 101

  • Missing: unhealthy | Show results with:unhealthy

  • *Poop 101* (poop photo included and needed for the explanation, so don’t moan) One question I’m constantly asked is, “does …

5. Recognizing Abnormal Feces in Reptiles

  • If you see abnormal droppings, you shouId collect a sample and bring it to a veterinarian so it may be checked for parasites and other diseases.

  • It is very important to recognize what is normal and abnormal in the droppings of a reptile. If you see abnormal droppings, you shouId collect a sample and bring it to a veterinarian so it may be checked for parasites and other diseases. If you see that the feces is not formed but is instead soft or watery, place a small amount onto a damp paper towel and place it in a plastic

6. Weird mucous poop | Bearded Dragon Forum

7. 14 Signs of an Unhealthy Bearded Dragon

  • Feeding a bearded dragon lettuce can cause a runny stool and cause malnutrition. A yellow tinged urate (the end of the poop that is usually white) can be a sign ...

  • An unhealthy bearded dragon can show many signs and symptoms. Here are 14 signs that could possibly point to an unhealthy bearded dragon.

8. Formed but slimy stool dragging his head and sluggish bearded dragon

  • Missing: unhealthy | Show results with:unhealthy

  • Veterinarians and other pet experts are standing by to answer all your health, nutrition and behavior questions! Chat live now about your dog, cat, or any other pet.

9. Bearded Dragon Poop 101: Everything You Need to Know!

  • Oct 31, 2019 · Probably the worst-case scenario as to why your bearded dragon is pooping so much, could be parasites. ✓ PRO TIP: Most bearded dragons have ...

  • Is your bearded dragon not pooping? How often should bearded dragons poop? How to help bearded dragon poop? Unlock the bearded dragon poop subject here!

10. All About Bearded Dragon Poop: Colors, Runny, and More

  • Runny poop can also indicate parasites. The most common way bearded dragons get parasites is from the insects they eat. Insects can contain parasites which are ...

  • There are seven different types of bearded dragon poop. Color, texture and frequency of discharge are all vital health indicators.

11. Bearded Dragon Poop: Colors, Types, and Meaning - More Reptiles

  • Feb 8, 2022 · If you see bearded dragon poop that is runny it can usually mean overhydration or parasites. Runny stool could simply mean they are overhydrated ...

  • Bearded dragon poop might not be a fun topic, but it is an important one. Your beardie’s poop can be a great sign of their current health.

12. Mucus In Bearded Dragon Poop: What It Means And What To Do

  • Bearded dragons with mucus in their feces could be suffering from intestinal parasites, digestive issues due to inadequate temperatures, or a possible blockage ...

  • Mucus in a bearded dragon’s poop is almost never good news. It’s a problem easily overlooked, when in fact it’s an indicator of some serious underlying illnesses. Bearded dragons with mucus in their feces could be suffering from intestinal parasites, digestive issues due to inadequate temperature

13. What Does Unhealthy Poop Look Like for a Bearded Dragon? | Medium

  • May 28, 2024 · Thе prеsеncе of mucus in thе fеcеs is not normal and typically indicatеs an undеrlying issuе such as an infеction or gastrointеstinal irritation ...

  • Bеardеd dragons, or “bеardiеs,” arе popular pеts known for thеir friеndly dеmеanor and еasе of carе. Howеvеr, just likе any othеr pеt, thеy…

14. Owning Bearded Dragons | VCA Animal Hospitals

  • The oral cavity and tongue should be bright pink. Mucus that is cloudy or cottage cheese-like in appearance is often a sign of infectious stomatitis (mouth rot) ...

  • Find out everything you need to know about owning a bearded dragon with VCA! Get expert advice from VCA Animal Hospitals to keep your pet healthy and happy.

15. Poop problems | Bearded Dragon Forum

  • Aug 5, 2021 · Mucus in poop is normal unless it is A LOT. Is her poop brown with a little white? She looks overall pretty healthy, besides being a little skinny.

  • We brought home Stella on Sunday. She’s 10 months old and we were told she’s been healthy. She currently eats dubia and or crickets about 15 or so of them daily, salad of kale and bell pepper with calcium and D and a little water spray. She’s been eating well. Moves about her enclosure from...

16. Is It Normal to See Mucus in Your Poop? - WebMD

  • May 23, 2024 · It is normal to have mucus in your poop. But sometimes, it could also indicate an underlying health condition and might need medical ...

  • It is normal to have mucus in your poop. But sometimes, it could also indicate an underlying health condition and might need medical intervention.

17. Is My Bearded Dragon's Poop Normal? Fecal Health Assessment ...

  • Aug 19, 2024 · You can assess your bearded dragon's health by examining its poop. Healthy feces should be firm, dark brown, and cylindrical, ...

  • You can assess your bearded dragon’s health by examining its poop. Healthy feces should be firm, dark brown, and cylindrical, with a white urate portion indicating proper hydration. Look out for…

18. Disorders and Diseases of Reptiles - Merck Veterinary Manual

  • Entamoeba invadens is the most serious disease-causing protozoan of reptiles. Signs of infection are loss of appetite and weight, vomiting, mucus-containing or ...

  • Learn about the veterinary topic of Disorders and Diseases of Reptiles. Find specific details on this topic and related topics from the Merck Vet Manual.

19. Bearded Dragon Health

  • At the end of the day, if the reptile does not poop for more than several days and starts to act lethargic, then rush to a qualified herp vet. Internal ...

  • An introduction to common Bearded Dragon health issues.

20. How to Tell if Your Lizard is Sick - PetMD

  • Jun 16, 2017 · They come in all shapes and sizes—from bearded dragons to geckos to ... Sunken eyes, sticky mucus in the mouth, and retained, non ...

  • What should lizard owners be watching for to indicate that their pet lizard is ill and needs to see a veterinarian as soon as possible? Read here for five signs that indicate a lizard may be sick.

Mucus Unhealthy Bearded Dragon Poop (2024)


Mucus Unhealthy Bearded Dragon Poop? ›

Bearded dragons with mucus in their feces could be suffering from intestinal parasites, digestive issues due to inadequate temperatures, or a possible blockage in the digestive tract.

Why does my bearded dragon poop look like mucus? ›

The vet can examine it for parasites or an intestinal infection, such as coccidiosis. Those are two common causes of these symptoms. There are medications that will treat them. Another possibility is that Draco a partial blockage.

What does unhealthy poop look like for a bearded dragon? ›

Feces that is a different color, texture, or consistency than normal can be a signal of illness or other health issues. Be extra wary of poop that is very runny, noticeably bloody, or black in color, as these are often signs of something much more severe.

What is overhydration poop in bearded dragons? ›

All White. All white poop in your dragon can mean that he/she is overly-hydrated, as the white part is urate, and this should not concern you.

How do I know if my bearded dragon has a respiratory infection? ›

Affected lizards may sneeze, have discharge from their eyes or nose, bubbles from the mouth or nose, unnaturally rapid or shallow breathing, open-mouthed breathing, decreased appetite, and lethargy. These cases call for immediate attention and aggressive therapy from your bearded dragon's veterinary team.

How do you know if your bearded dragon has coccidia? ›

Signs associated with intestinal coccidiosis may include poor growth, weight loss, bloody feces (melena), and diarrhea. Signs of extra-intestinal coccidiosis vary according to the infected tissue and may include sudden death, sore nose, lack of appetite, depression, and reluctance to move.

What does an unhealthy bearded dragon look like? ›

Sick beardies may seem weak or grumpy, and they may hide and/or stop basking. Shaking, dizziness, head tilting, and loss of balance are also red flags.

How to tell if your bearded dragon has parasites? ›

The only way to confirm a parasite infestation is via stool testing. The vet will ask you to collect a fecal sample, and then he or she will test it for the presence of parasites. If your bearded dragon does have parasites, s/he will put given a dose or two of dewormer, which should clear up the problem.

Why is my bearded dragon's poop mushy? ›

Bearded dragons may get diarrhea from a number of causes such as stress, parasites, bacterial infections of the intestine, atadenovirus infections, spoiled food, malnutrition, dirty water bowls, unsanitary cages, and inappropriately cool or excessively high temperatures in the cage.

What does a dehydrated beardie look like? ›

There are a few signs that your bearded dragon may be suffering from dehydration: Loose, saggy, wrinkly skin. Loss of skin elasticity (Skin does not return to place when gently pinched) Orange/yellow urate.

How do I know if my beardie is impacted? ›

One of the first indications is that your pet will stop going to the bathroom regularly. Other signs include: the inability to excrete regularly or straining when trying to go to the bathroom. slight leg trembles.

What does an overfed bearded dragon look like? ›

Recognizing the signs of bearded dragon overfeeding, such as a plump tail, fat feet, or bulging head pads, is crucial for maintaining your dragon's health. To prevent overfeeding, remember to prioritize leafy greens in their diet, adjusting the ratio of insects as they age.

Does soaking bearded dragons hydrate them? ›

As a general rule, bath time three times a week should be sufficient to keep your dragon clean and hydrated. If your dragon absolutely hates baths, then once a week may be a reasonable goal. If your dragon can't get enough bath time, you may want to do it more frequently, maybe even once a day.

Why is my bearded dragons poop mushy? ›

Bearded dragons may get diarrhea from a number of causes such as stress, parasites, bacterial infections of the intestine, atadenovirus infections, spoiled food, malnutrition, dirty water bowls, unsanitary cages, and inappropriately cool or excessively high temperatures in the cage.

What do parasites look like in bearded dragon poop? ›

Roundworms. These worms can actually be visualized in the feces of your reptile. They look like long spaghetti-like worms and are easily treated by your exotics vet.

What does dehydration look like in bearded dragons? ›

There are a few signs that your bearded dragon may be suffering from dehydration: Loose, saggy, wrinkly skin. Loss of skin elasticity (Skin does not return to place when gently pinched) Orange/yellow urate.

What does a constipated bearded dragon look like? ›

Impaction is one of the conditions that frequently causes the death of bearded dragons. In the case of a major impaction, the animal will not be very mobile, and one or both back legs may appear paralyzed. If the impaction is higher in the digestive track, the front legs may also be paralyzed.


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