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'; } else { i += '

'; } i += '

'; if (r.location === FRANKFORD_LOC_ID) i += `


`; else i += `


`; if (r.distance.length > 0) { i += `

${r.distance}`; if (r.distance != 'nearby') i += ' away'; i += '

'; } i += `


${}, ${r.state} ${}

Location Hours:

` if (r.hours.IsWeekdaySame) { i += ` M-F: ${r.hours.Mon.toLowerCase()}
Sat: ${r.hours.Sat.toLowerCase()}
Sun: ${r.hours.Sun}
`; } else { i += ` Mon: ${r.hours.Mon.toLowerCase()}
Tue: ${r.hours.Tue.toLowerCase()}
Wed: ${r.hours.Wed.toLowerCase()}
Thu: ${r.hours.Thu.toLowerCase()}
Fri: ${r.hours.Fri.toLowerCase()}
Sat: ${r.hours.Sat.toLowerCase()}
Sun: ${r.hours.Sun}
` } if (r.holidaystext.length > 0) { i += `${r.holidaystext}`; } i += '

' i += '

'; if (r.location === FRANKFORD_LOC_ID) { i += '

Schedule Appointment

'; i += '

Location Info

'; } else { if ('Coming Soon') == -1) { i += `

Schedule Appointment

`; } i += `

Location Info

`; } i += '

'; i += '

'; let li = document.createElement('li'); li.className = 'loc-' + ind; li.innerHTML = i; return li; } function m247_FilterRetailers(resp) { m247_ClearRetailerList(); let data = JSON.parse(resp); let showAll = false; if (data.retailers) { let r = []; let maxLength = data.retailers.length > 10 ? 10 : data.retailers.length; for (let i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) { let id = data.retailers[i].id; let distance = data.retailers[i].distance; for (let j = 0; j < m247Retailers.length; j++) { if (m247Retailers[j].location == id) { m247Retailers[j].distance = distance; r.push(m247Retailers[j]); } } } if (r.length > 0) { m247_InitMap(r); m247_DisplayRetailerList(r); m247_ScrollToMap(); } else { m247_ShowError("We're sorry - there are no locations within your zip code. Please retry your search."); showAll = false; } } else { m247_ShowError("This zip code is invalid. Please enter a valid zip code to find your nearest location."); showAll = false; } if (showAll) { m247_InitMap(m247Retailers); m247_DisplayRetailerList(m247Retailers); } } function m247_ScrollToMap() { let isMobile = GlobalIsMobile.any(); const speed = isMobile ? 500 : 1000; const offsetTop = isMobile ? 90 : 100; if ($('div#m247-store-list')) { try { var t = $('div#m247-store-list').offset().top; if (t) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: t - offsetTop }, speed); } } catch (e) { console.log('m247_ScrollToMap: ' + e); } } } function m247_SearchZip(resetSearch) { let zip = document.getElementById("m247-zip").value; if (zip && zip.length > 0) { if (resetSearch) m247_ResetForZipSearch(false); let select = document.getElementById("m247-radii"); if (select) { if (select.selectedIndex == 0) { m247_DetermineRetailers(zip); } else { const radius = select.options[select.selectedIndex].value; m247_DetermineRetailers(zip, radius); } } else { m247_DetermineRetailers(zip); } let l = window.location.href.replace(, ''); let n = l + "?zip=" + encodeURIComponent(zip); history.pushState(null, null, n); $('.location-map h1').text('Find Your Nearest Location Around ' + zip); } } function m247_DetermineRetailers(zip, radius) { const r = radius || 20; try { $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: `/App_Services/Retailers.ashx?method=retailers&validatezipcode=true&zip=${zip}&radius=${r}`, success: m247_FilterRetailers, error: function (err) { console.error('getNearestRetailerByZip', err); } }); } catch (err) { console.error('getNearestRetailerByZip', err); } } function m247_UseMyLocation() { if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) { const lat = position.coords.latitude; const lng = position.coords.longitude; let geoZip = ''; let geoCountry = ''; const latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng); const geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); let error = ''; geocoder.geocode({ 'latLng': latlng }, function (results, status) { if (status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { if (results) { const arrAddress = results[0].address_components; arrAddress.forEach(function (address_component) { if (address_component.types[0] === "postal_code") { geoZip = address_component.long_name; } else if (address_component.types[0] === "country") { geoCountry = address_component.short_name; } }); } if (geoZip) { if (geoCountry == 'US') { m247_ResetForZipSearch(true); m247GeoLatLng = { lat: lat, lng: lng }; m247_DetermineRetailers(geoZip, 20); let l = window.location.href.replace(, ''); let n = l + "?usemylocation=" + geoZip; history.pushState(null, null, n); $('.location-map h1').text('Find Your Nearest Location Around ' + geoZip); } else { error = 'Location outside of the US'; } } else { error = 'Cannot find location'; } } else { error = 'Geocoder failed due to: ' + status; } if (error) { m247_ShowError(error); } }); }, m247_GeoLocateErr); } else { m247_ShowError('Please enable device to detect your location'); } } function m247_GeoLocateErr(err) { if (err.code === 1) { m247_ShowError('Please enable device to detect your location'); } else { m247_ShowError('Geolcoation Error (' + err.code + '): ' + err.message); } } function m247_ShowError(err) { $('#m247-map-err').empty().text(err); } function m247_ClearError() { $('#m247-map-err').empty(); } function m247_LoadStates() { let states = []; for (let i = 0; i < m247Retailers.length; i++) { const r = m247Retailers[i]; let has = false; for (let j = 0; j < states.length; j++) { if (r.state === states[j].Abbr) { has = true; break; } } if (has === false) { states.push({ Full: r.statefull, Abbr: r.state }); } } let sortedStates = states.sort(m247_Sort("Full")); $.each(sortedStates, function (index, value) { $('#m247-storestates').append($('

', { value: value.Abbr, text: value.Full })); }); let paramS = m247_GetParam("state"); if (paramS.length > 0) { paramS = decodeURI(paramS.split('+').join(' ')).toUpperCase(); $("#m247-storestates option").filter(function () { return $(this).text().toUpperCase() === paramS; }).prop('selected', true); m247_LoadCities(paramS); } } function m247_LoadCities(sel) { let cities = []; let selectedState = sel || ''; if (selectedState.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < m247Retailers.length; i++) { const r = m247Retailers[i]; let has = false; for (let j = 0; j < cities.length; j++) { if ( === cities[j].City) { has = true; break; } } if (has === false) { if (selectedState.length > 0) { if (r.state.toUpperCase() === selectedState.toUpperCase() || r.statefull.toUpperCase() == selectedState.toUpperCase()) { cities.push({ City:, State: r.State }); } } else { cities.push({ City:, State: r.State }); } } } let sortedCities = cities.sort(m247_Sort("City")); $('#m247-storecities').empty().append('

'); if (sortedCities.length > 0) { $.each(sortedCities, function (index, value) { const op = new Option(value.City, value.City, false, false); $('#m247-storecities').append(op) }); } else { $('#m247-storecities').append('

'); } let paramC = decodeURIComponent(m247_GetParam("city")); if (paramC.length > 0) { let matchingValue = $('#m247-storecities option').filter(function () { return this.value.toLowerCase() === paramC; }).attr('value'); $('#m247-storecities').val(matchingValue).trigger('change'); } } else { $('#m247-storecities').empty().append('

').trigger("change"); } } function m247_ChangeStates() { const s = document.getElementById("m247-storestates"); let l = window.location.href.replace(, ''); const i = s.selectedIndex; if (i > 0) { m247UseGeo = false; m247UseZip = false; const t = s.options[i].text; const v = s.options[i].value; const n = l + "?state=" + encodeURIComponent(t).toLowerCase(); history.pushState(null, null, n); m247_LoadCities(v); var r = m247_FilterByStateCity(); m247_InitMap(r); m247_DisplayRetailerList(r); $('.location-map h1').text('Find Your Nearest Location in ' + t); //m247_ScrollToMap(); } } function m247_ChangeCities() { let l = window.location.href.replace(, ''); let n = ''; let started = false; const s = document.getElementById("m247-storestates"); let i = s.selectedIndex; let state = ''; let city = ''; if (i > 0) { m247UseGeo = false; m247UseZip = false; state = s.options[i].text; const p = encodeURI(state.toLowerCase().split(' ').join('+')); n = l + "?state=" + p; started = true; } let c = document.getElementById("m247-storecities"); i = c.selectedIndex; if (i > 0) { city = c.options[i].text; const p = encodeURI(city.toLowerCase().split(' ').join('+')); if (started) n += "&city=" + p; else n = l + "?city=" + p; } history.pushState(null, null, n); let r = m247_FilterByStateCity(); m247_InitMap(r); m247_DisplayRetailerList(r); m247_ScrollToMap(); $('.location-map h1').text('Find Your Nearest Location in ' + city + ', ' + state); } function m247_Reset() { const l = window.location.href.replace(, ''); history.pushState(null, null, l); $("#m247-storestates").val("State"); $('#m247-storestates').trigger('change'); let z = document.getElementById("m247-zip"); if (z) z.value = ''; let r = document.getElementById('m247-radii'); if (r) r.selectedIndex = 0; for (let i = 0; i < m247Retailers.length; i++) { m247Retailers[i].distance = ''; } m247_LoadCities(); m247_InitMap(m247Retailers); m247_DisplayRetailerList(m247Retailers); $('.location-map h1').text('Find Your Nearest Location'); } function m247_ResetForZipSearch(fromUseMyLoc) { const l = window.location.href.replace(, ''); history.pushState(null, null, l); let s = document.getElementById("m247-storestates"); if (s) s.selectedIndex = 0; $("#m247-storestates").select2("val", ""); if (fromUseMyLoc) { let z = document.getElementById("m247-zip"); if (z) z.value = ''; let r = document.getElementById('m247-radii'); if (r) r.selectedIndex = 0; } m247_LoadCities(); } function m247_Sort(prop) { return function (a, b) { if (a[prop] > b[prop]) return 1; else if (a[prop] < b[prop]) return -1; return 0; } } function m247_GetParam(name) { return decodeURIComponent(( + '=')[1] || '').split('&')[0]); } var resetBtn = document.getElementById('m247-reset'); if (resetBtn) { resetBtn.addEventListener("click", function () { m247GeoLatLng = null; m247_ClearError(); m247_Reset(); m247_ResetSearch(); }); } var searchZip = document.getElementById('m247-zip'); var searchStates = document.getElementById('m247-storestates'); var searchCities = document.getElementById('m247-storecities'); if (searchZip) searchZip.addEventListener('input', m247_ResetSearch); if (searchStates) searchStates.addEventListener('change', m247_ResetSearch); if (searchCities) searchCities.addEventListener('change', m247_ResetSearch); function m247_ResetSearch() { if (resetBtn) { if ((searchZip && searchZip.value) || (searchStates && searchStates.selectedIndex) || (searchCities && searchCities.selectedIndex)) { = ''; // Show the reset button } else { = 'none'; // Hide the reset button } } } var sbtn = document.getElementById("m247-search-btn"); if (sbtn) sbtn.addEventListener("click", function () { m247_ClearError(); m247UseGeo = false; m247UseZip = true; m247_SearchZip(true); }); var hbtn = document.getElementById('m247-use-home-btn'); if (hbtn) hbtn.addEventListener("click", function () { window.location = '/stores/?usemylocation'; }); var ubtn = document.getElementById("m247-use-btn"); if (ubtn) ubtn.addEventListener("click", function () { m247_ClearError(); m247UseGeo = true; m247UseZip = false; m247_UseMyLocation(); }); var zipHomeForm = document.getElementById('BP_homezipsearch'); var zipHomeError = document.getElementById('m247-error-home'); if (zipHomeForm) { zipHomeForm.addEventListener('submit', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (zipHomeForm.checkValidity()) { zipHomeError.textContent = ""; this.submit(); } else zipHomeError.textContent = "Please enter a zip code or Use My Location"; }); } $(document).ready(function () { $(document).on('keypress', function (e) { if (e.which == 13) { m247GeoLatLng = null; m247_ClearError(); m247UseGeo = false; m247UseZip = true; m247_SearchZip(true); } }); if (jQuery().select2) { $('#m247-storestates').select2({}); $('#m247-storestates').on('select2:select', function (e) { if ($(this)[0].selectedIndex > 0) { m247GeoLatLng = null; m247_ClearError(); m247_ChangeStates(); $('#m247-storecities').select2('open'); m247_ResetSearch(); } }); $('#m247-storecities').select2(); $('#m247-storecities').on('select2:select', function (e) { m247_ChangeCities(); m247_ResetSearch(); }); $(document).on('select2:open', () => { document.querySelector('.select2-search__field').focus(); }); } m247_ResetSearch(); });

Auto Service Locations & Hours Near Me (2024)


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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Views: 5909

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Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.